The Final Result of the Combined Competitive Examination (Main) for the recruitment o the posts of Deputy Section Officer (State Secretariat), Deputy Section Officer (Gujarat Public Service Commission), Deputy Section Officer (Vidhansabha) and Deputy Mamlatdar (Revenue Department), Class-III (Advertisement No. 55/2018-19) for which the written-descriptive examination was held on 19-May-2019 and 26-May-2019 was declared vide Notification annexed with Annexure-I (Part-I and Part-II) dt.13.09.2019.
The following candidates are declared successful in the result of Deputy Section Officer (Sachivalay), Deputy Section Officer (Vidhansabha), Deputy Section Officer (G.P.S.C.) and Deputy Mamlatdar (Revenue Department), Class-III, Advt. No. 55/2018-19, Main Examination held on 19th and 26th May 2019
Revised Final Result, Advt. No. 55/2018-19, Deputy Section Officer/Deputy Mamlatdar, Class-3
GPSC Dyso Deputy Mamlatdar Final Result: Click Here